For millions across North America and around the world, the Coronavirus has been unnerving and life-altering. Those with asthma, food allergies and environmental allergies have special and specific concerns in these challenging times. Following is a list of resources to address those directly. Updated May, 2022
COVID-19 Vaccine & Food and Drug Allergies
COVID-19 Vaccines: How to Tell an Allergic Reaction from a Side Effect
Allergic Living covers the differences among: side effects, allergy symptoms, as well as non-allergy-based responses and what might trigger them.
NIH Study: Allergies Aren’t Cause of Rare Anaphylaxis to COVID-19 Vaccines
The NIH launched a study looking at whether those with severe allergies are at higher risk of allergic reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines. The key findings in this article: those with serious allergies or a mast cell disorder are not more likely to experience anaphylaxis after a COVID-19 vaccine shot. Plus, the reactions that did occur were not “true” allergic reactions.
FAQ on Allergy Concerns and the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
In this helpful guide, Allergic Living tackles all the big allergy questions related to the mRNA vaccines. We detail what’s known on anaphylactic reactions to the vaccines to date. Plus, experts provide answers to our readers’ specific questions on: egg, dairy, soy, alpha-gal, drug and latex allergies, as well as celiac disease.
Mast Cell Disorder Patients Tolerating COVID-19 Vaccine
There has been hesitancy among patients with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) about getting COVID-19 vaccines due to experiences with other vaccines. Those worries provided the impetus for a study that finds COVID-19 vaccines can be tolerated by most patients with confirmed MCAS.
Few Severe Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines, But Women Most Affected
A CDC study of health events after COVID-19 vaccination finds severe allergic reactions are rare. But women and those with allergies were most affected. However, this report shows there was no pattern to allergic triggers, which ranged from other vaccines or drugs, to foods like nuts, as well as jellyfish stings.
Likely More Than 1 Cause for COVID-19 Reactions
Allergy experts explain a possible cause of severe allergic reaction to the vaccines, but 2 other potential culprits that look like anaphylaxis, but aren’t allergy-based.
CDC on COVID-19 Vaccines: More Reactions, But Incidence Still Rare
In a January 2021 press briefing, the CDC gives confirmed details on 21 confirmed cases of anaphylaxis, and explains that the reaction rate is still ‘rare’.
As FDA Approves COVID-19 Vaccine, Experts Seek to Calm Allergy Fears
In the early days of the Pfizer vaccine’s approval in December 2020, the UK issued a sweeping allergy warning, that U.S. allergists felt would fuel unnecessary fears.
COVID-19 and Allergies & Asthma
Vigilance Fatigue: What Food Allergy and COVID-19 Have in Common
Food allergy families are familiar with the fatigue brought on by a lifetime of vigilance. Luckily, the COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to last as long.
Free COVID-19 & Allergies Digital Magazine
Allergic Living provided this definitive resource on COVID-19 and food allergies and asthma in May 2020. The shopping advice and recipes are still helpful to current times.
Taming Food Allergy Stress During COVID-19
With COVID-19, keep food allergy anxiety in check. Two experts offer tips to plan food supply, manage reaction risks and communicate with kids.
Coronavirus & Asthma: How to Cut Risks and Keep Control
What exactly are the coronavirus risks with asthma, and what can you do minimize them? Plus, what if a family member with asthma gets COVID-19?
Earlier Pandemic Articles
U.S. Pharmacy Chain Will Not Give COVID-19 Vaccine to Customers with Severe Allergies – But Others Will
Jill Harmany was surprised when staff at an Ingles Market pharmacy told her it was “company policy” that they could not give her the vaccine because she carried an EpiPen.
COVID-19 and Food in the Class: What Allergy Families Need to Know
The CDC recommended in 2020 that when students returned to schools, they should eat in their classroom to avoid mingling in the cafeteria and possible coronavirus transmission. Allergic Living investigated the implications of the plan for students with food allergies.
Allergy Shopping, Cooking Tips for Coronavirus Times
With the coronavirus and food harder to find, the food allergy family feels under siege. Not to worry: contributor Caroline Moassessi has shopping and cooking tips to get you through.
My Story: What It Felt Like to Have COVID-19 and Asthma
“In a mere three days, the virus took hold, with fever and difficulty breathing. As someone with asthma, the specter of hospitalization hung over each hour,” writes Morgan Smith.
Survey of Allergy-Friendly Food Makers in Coronavirus Crisis
Amid the Coronavirus, allergy-friendly and gluten-free foods are selling fast. In some stores, they’re even selling out. Allergic Living surveys 11 key brands for a sense of the food supply. The good news: these brands have smart suggestions for where to locate products, and they’re working overtime to replenish stock.
Empty Shelves: How Food Allergy Families are Coping with COVID-19
The run on grocery staples with the coronavirus is especially tough for food allergy and celiac families who already faced limited food choice. Allergic Living checks in on how these families are faring, from their most urgent needs to their worries and workarounds.
How Allergists Are Treating Patients During COVID-19
Many allergists have closed their offices or are limiting appointments and adapting to telehealth during the pandemic. What does this mean for treatments such as #allergy shots? What happens if you suspect your child’s developing a food allergy? What about OIT protocols and oral food challenges? We investigate.